Again...nothing too exciting to report. Today is actually the last day of week 19, which means tomorrow is the start of my mid-point week! I don't know if I'm excited or scared about that fact!
As my tummy is getting larger (I'm down to 1 pair of pre-pregnancy pants that fit!), I'm experiencing more & more pain in my back. I finally decided to see the chiropractor about it, because I really didn't think the pain was baby-related at all. Turned out I was right. I have a lot of built-up fluid & inflammation in my neck and right-shoulder area. I'm not sure what has caused it, but last Friday I had enough pain to make it nearly unbearable to sit at my desk at work. I had 1 treatment that afternoon, and go back today for another. Because I cannot be x-ray'd, it's basically just trial & error until we get it worked out. Ice helps, and I don't feel much pain at home...but hopefully we'll get it worked out soon!
On the homefront we have been working on getting the nursery ready to paint. We took down some trim and Steve has been doing a lot of sanding to even out the surfaces, along with filling in a TON of holes left by previous owners. I still haven't decided on paint colors, but I have a little time before the room needs to be ready. Of course, paint colors will also depend upon which bedding we choose. I purchased a cute baby farm animal set that we'll use if we have a girl...but I think we're leaning more toward cowboy decor if it's a boy. We should be able to find out the answer to our pink/blue question at our ultrasound scheduled for this coming Thursday. I will be off work for Spring Break on that day, which is exciting because I plan to go straight out & start shopping for pink or blue! Ha! "nothing to report" comment has turned into some rambling, so I'll sign off. I hope you are all enjoying the same warm & sunny weather we are experiencing here in Central Iowa. Can't believe it's 70 degrees in the middle of March!