Friday, November 21, 2008

It's been a fly-by November!

Can you believe that November is already almost over? Did you check the ticker above...we have only 16 days (from the date of this posting) until our LAS VEGAS trip! We are both SO excited! We just got tickets for the second night we'll be at the National Finals Rodeo yesterday...I've done most of my shopping for "Vegas-wear"...I've stocked up on rechargeable batteries so that I have plenty of charge time for I think I'm about ready to go! Of course, all Steve has to do is throw his Wranglers into a suitcase & he's pretty much ready to roll! Ha!

It's just starting to get frigid up here in the North to the point where I cannot go outside in the evening without gloves and a hat (according to my computer, the current temp is 13! BRRR!) I am not looking forward to snowy weather, but I'm afraid it's coming soon.

Since I haven't posted in a little while, I thought I'd include some fun pictures of Steve, me and the dogs that were taken earlier in the month. I just received prints of these pix from Snapfish, so I'm looking forward to doing something creative with them!
OH! Speaking of being creative...this weekend my plan is to spend some time figuring out my new Adobe Creative Suite software - particularly Photoshop! I am excited to put it to work and start doing some digital scrapbooking. I'm sure I'll share my creations as I learn how to use it!

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