Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Garrett Milestone!

Lately it seems like all I've been writing about has been snow related...and I am home again due to continued blowing snow, drifting, and ice.
Well...instead of complaining about how much I wish I was in a warmer climate right now, I'm able to share an exciting Garrett Milestone Moment! Today (actually just a few minutes ago) Garrett rolled over on his own!! We've been anticipating this day for a while now. He has been teasing us by getting so close, getting to the point where he was almost completely on his side...but would then roll back to start. This morning he decided it was time to keep on rolling!


The Currys said...

Yeah Garrett! We knew you could do it!

davevb said...

I think he said, "All right, where's my boots?"