Monday, November 15, 2010

A New Kitchen

I've been trying to figure out how to create a diversion for Garrett - other than television - to keep him busy while I fix dinner in the evenings. I got to thinking about the toy kitchen set at Grandma Jackson's, and the many occasions I witnessed the nieces and nephews contentedly playing with it. So I was excited to come across a toy kitchen set for only $29.99 at the local Aldi Supermarket! I thought, "What a GREAT DEAL!"

Well...I soon discovered the reason for the low price. The box contained about 150 pieces to be put together with screws and snaps. Below is just a fraction of the pieces that had to be cut apart, and then puzzle-fitted back together...

...but it turns out all the sweat & frustration was worth it! Garrett LOVES his new kitchen! He enjoys opening/closing the doors, and playing with the dishes. Plus - it's a corner-style, and fits right in our "real" kitchen! I don't think he really gets the concept of it being a kitchen like mommy's...but it keeps him busy, and that's all I need!


Check out who got new Superman jammies!

It's probably not considered good parenting to allow a 15-month-old to stand on the edge of a diaper box while you stand aside & take pictures...but, I'm sure it's not the first - nor last - poor judgment call this mommy will make!


Friday, November 5, 2010

A Step Up

Garrett is growing more & more every day. But he's been getting frustrated lately because he couldn't see out our front picture window. I remedied that when I found a cute, sturdy step stool on a recent trip to Target.
Now he loves to look out the window. It's the first place he runs to when we get home each evening. Too cute. What's also cute is when he's on the lookout for Daddy's arrival at the end of the day. He's definitely a Daddy's Boy!

Baby It's Cold Outside...

The temperature has been dropping here in Iowa. Some mornings it's been around 25 degrees when we head out. Garrett has been staying cozy in his new hat and jacket...
...but it's nice & warm inside. Garrett doesn't even think he needs pants! (Aunt Jodi & Uncle Jim: He LOVES his KU chair!!)

Pudding Decoy

As some of you might be aware, Garrett has had fevers and ear infections off & on for the past few weeks. His doctor prescribed him 2 different liquid antibiotics that Garrett was determined NOT to take. So we had to get creative. We found that the best route to get his medicine in his tummy was chocolate pudding! It's not a treat I was planning to give him yet, but we were desperate. Garrett, as seen above, was very pleased! He LOVES his chocolate pudding, and he also loves to feed himself.

Which reminds me, it's time to pick up another bottle of Garrett's bubble bath...

Happy Belated Halloween!

I'm a bit late with this post...but I don't really have much to report about Garrett's 2nd Halloween. Since he's too young to really appreciate the day, we didn't get him a costume this year. We did find a cute skeleton tee from Old Navy that he wore to daycare the Friday before Halloween. This isn't the best pic to show it off, but he was determined to NOT look at the camera and smile this day.