Friday, November 5, 2010

Pudding Decoy

As some of you might be aware, Garrett has had fevers and ear infections off & on for the past few weeks. His doctor prescribed him 2 different liquid antibiotics that Garrett was determined NOT to take. So we had to get creative. We found that the best route to get his medicine in his tummy was chocolate pudding! It's not a treat I was planning to give him yet, but we were desperate. Garrett, as seen above, was very pleased! He LOVES his chocolate pudding, and he also loves to feed himself.

Which reminds me, it's time to pick up another bottle of Garrett's bubble bath...


The Currys said...

So did you have to put extra medicine in the pudding to make sure Some of it got in him? :) Can't wait to see that in person!

Kim said...

I know! I'm sure Uncle Billy C. is excited to try all sorts of messy foods on the Little Man at Christmas!! Ha!
(Keep in mind that the person/persons who get the baby messy will have clean up duty after!)